The UTM provider exposes some additional configuration options that allow you to more finely control your UTM-powered Vagrant environments.
Virtual Machine Name
You can customize the name that appears in the UTM GUI by setting the name property. By default, Vagrant sets it to the containing folder of the Vagrantfile plus a timestamp of when the machine was created. By setting another name, your VM can be more easily identified.
config.vm.provider "utm" do |u| = "my_vm"
Checking for Guest Additions
By default UTM plugin will check for the qemu-guest-agent
when starting a machine, and will output a warning if the guest additions are not detected. You can skip the guest additions check by setting the check_guest_additions option:
config.vm.provider "utm" do |u|
u.check_guest_additions = false
Other customization
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
# Vagrant box = "utm/debian11"
# Hostname inside the VM
config.vm.hostname = "debian"
# Ports to forward "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8989
# Provider specific configs
config.vm.provider "utm" do |u|
# Name in UTM UI = "debian"
# CPU in cores
u.cpus = 1
# Memory in MB
u.memory = 1024
# Notes for UTM VM (Appears in UTM UI)
u.notes = "Vagrant: For testing plugin development"
# QEMU Directoy Share mode for the VM.
# Takes none, webDAV or virtFS
u.directory_share_mode = "webDAV"
# Provisioner config, supports all built provisioners
# shell, ansible
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
apt-get update
apt-get install -y apache2