Commands (CLI)

This page lists all the supported Vagrant commands which depend on the UTM provider. Eg. up, suspend, resume, halt.

Adds note to the command which are not yet available. Eg. package.

The Vagrant commands that do not depend on provider are not listed and will continue to work. Eg. global-status

Table of contents

  1. Box
  2. Destroy
  3. Halt
  4. Package
  5. Port
  6. Provision
  7. Reload
  8. Resume
  9. Snapshot
  10. SSH
  11. SSH Config
  12. Status
  13. Suspend
  14. Up
  15. Upload
  16. Custom Commands
    1. Disposable


Command: vagrant box

UTM provider uses .utm file as VM bundle .

Box support is not yet available.


Command: vagrant destroy [name|id]

utmctl delete


Command: vagrant halt [name|id]

utmctl stop


Command: vagrant package [name|id]

Currently prompts to manually export (Share) the VM


Command: vagrant port [name|id]

The port command displays the full list of guest ports mapped to the host machine ports:


Command: vagrant provision [vm-name]

Runs any configured provisioners against the running Vagrant managed machine


Command: vagrant reload [name|id]

The equivalent of running a halt followed by anup.


Command: vagrant resume [name|id]

This resumes a Vagrant managed machine that was previously suspended, perhaps with the suspend command.

utmctl start


Command: vagrant snapshot

Snapshot feature is not available in UTM. The plugin just provides experimental feature using qemu-img

Vagrant UTM provider supports offline snapshots using qemu-img. Hence only VM with single qcow2 file is supported.


Command: vagrant ssh [name|id] [-- extra_ssh_args]

SSH Config

Command: vagrant ssh-config [name|id]


Command: vagrant status [name|id]

utmctl status


Command: vagrant suspend [name|id]

utmctl suspend


Command: vagrant up [name|id]

Import VM (if not created)

utmctl start


Command: vagrant upload source [destination] [name|id]

Custom Commands

These are the commands not available in vagrant but specific to UTM provider.


Command: vagrant disposable [name|id]

utmctl start --disposable

Start virtual machine in disposable mdoe, which allows you to run a virtual machine without saving any persistent changes to the drive.

Read about Disposable mode in UTM docs